Why you shouldn’t build your website on Wix

One of the main reasons for not using Wix, or any similar DIY website builder is quite simply because you are not a web designer. Sure it’s a lot cheaper than hiring an experienced designer, but one thing that a designer can offer where you might likely be lacking? User experience. When you design a website using a DIY builder like Wix, you are most likely not taking good user experience into account. And a poorly designed website means unhappy visitors. As a result, you will lose the trust of your audience, not to mention credibility.

You know the saying, “you get what you pay for”? The same applies to websites. A good website does not come free. Or even cheap.

While Wix might seem like an easy option if you have a small budget and you’re just starting out, it just doesn’t offer the same functionality, or scalability, as other options like WordPress. WordPress is a free to use platform. You only pay for your domain and hosting so it will likely work out far cheaper than Wix anyway. It’s always a good idea to do your research when it comes to different website platforms and their different price points (and their capacity to grow with your business) before you commit to a DIY builder like Wix.

Another major downside to Wix and other DIY builders is that they are notoriously bad for SEO. Any options that they do offer are always a little behind the times. It’s not necessarily a deal-breaker but if you’re looking for long-term growth this will become a problem.

Most Wix sites are also flash-based. Flash is also pretty terrible for SEO since it does not produce any crawlable content, only code. Crawlable content means that Google’s bots are able to crawl through all your website content and analyse it so that it knows what’s important or not, and what’s worth being shared on Google’s search results pages. If your site isn’t easily crawlable, Google simply ignores it.

Another important factor when it comes to good, healthy websites, is speed. Fast websites are very important when it comes to good user experience, as well as search engine optimisation (Google likes fast websites). Websites built on Wix are hosted on a shared server, and that server is being shared by thousands of other users and their websites. This will definitely impact your site speed negatively which in turn leads to a terrible user experience and potentially, lost customers/clients.

If you are looking to gain traffic, conversions, and more customers to your website and your business, you really should consider options other than Wix. You should also seriously consider hiring a professional designer to build your website for you, it might seem like a big expense, but you will see a bigger return on investment than wasting hours and money on sites like Wix.

Need a web designer? We can help, get in touch for your free consultation.

Hilde Franzsen

Branding and illustration for the ones trying to make a positive difference in the world.


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