Do you really need a website?

Do you really need a website?

The short answer: yes.

You only get one chance to make a good first impression and having a website helps more than you may think.

Still life shot of macbook open on Local Truth Studio's website

The Benefits:

It builds trust and credibility

When a potential customer or client first hears about you or your business, they will most likely Google you to learn more about you. If they Google your name and nothing comes up, it may impact their trust in you. But, if you have a website, you not only appear in Google’s search results, but your customers have a place to go to learn more about your business, what you offer, your history or whatever else you might want them to know. Being present online, especially with a well-designed and responsive website, will help your customers put their trust in you and hopefully lead to conversions.

You get to showcase your business on your terms

When you have a website, you have more control over how your content is perceived online. You can choose what content to include, which images best represent your business, what your brand voice is etc. You can introduce your business to your customer base on your own terms to ensure they have the best lasting impression of you.

The world of social media is ever-changing

Social media is something that we have no control over. Sure, we can update our feeds, posting what we want when we want, and it does help when you can combine a website and social presence in your marketing strategy. With the ever-changing rules and algorithms, you don’t have any guarantee that your audience will see you. It’s a competition with no clear winner. But when you have a website, you have a sense of stability that social media will never be able to offer you. It remains a constant that your customers can always go back to.

Newsletter list landing pages

Another benefit is that websites are the perfect place to host newsletter landing pages or sign up forms. A newsletter landing page is simply a designated page on your website where customers can go to sign up for your newsletter, you can also just include simple forms in your website’s footer or have a newsletter popup. 

Potential concerns:

What if I don’t have enough content or information to fill an entire website?

Website’s don’t need to be massively complicated or extensive to be effective. You can get away with a single page if it’s done right. All you really need to get started are a few images (ideally professional-looking images - no cellphone shots, please), a logo, a basic colour palette, some strategic copy explaining what your business does (if you’re not a good writer, ask someone who is) and a contact form. The rest can be figured out as your business’s needs and requirements grow.

But websites are expensive!

They can be, sure. But, there are plenty of options to suit every pocket. The simpler your website, the cheaper it can be. You can get away with as little as R100 per month for a small WordPress website hosted with Afrihost for example. You can grow your website with your business. Plus, it’s tax-deductible!

Convinced and in need of a website?

We can help you with that! Get in touch with us for your free consultation.

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Hilde Franzsen

Branding and illustration for the ones trying to make a positive difference in the world.

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